
What Our Users Say

We believe in the power of authentic feedback. Our Testimonials page is a testament to the relationships we've built with our valued customers and the exceptional experiences they've had with our products and services.

"माईपे डिजिटल वालेट म विगत १ वर्षदेखि प्रयाग गर्दै आएको छु । माईपेले फ्लाईट टिकट बुकिङमा सबैभन्दा धेरै क्यासब्याक दिने भएकोले म माईपे वालेटबाटै सम्पूर्ण फ्लाईट टिकट बुक गर्दछु । यसबाहेक बिजुली बिल, मोबाईल टपअप पनि गर्छु । सबै सेवा प्रयोग गर्दा सबैभन्दा धेरै क्यासब्याक दिनेभएकाले म सबैलाई माईपे वालेट नै प्रयाग गर्न सल्लाह दिन्छु।"

- रोशन मधिकर्मी

"माईपे डिजिटल वालेट म विगत ६ महिना देखि प्रयोग गर्दै आएको छु। मैले प्रदेश अफिसरद्धारा माईपे डिजिटल वालेटको बारे थाहा पाएँ। मैले हवाई जहाज टिकट अनलाईन बुक गर्दा समयको बचत मात्र नभई आकर्षक क्यासब्याकको मज्जा लिइरहेको छु र यसका साथै टपअप, विजुलीको बिल पनि तिर्ने गर्दछु। यदि तपाईंहरु पनि सरल र आकर्षक क्यासब्याक चाहनुहुन्छ भने माईपे प्रयागे गर्न अनुरोध गर्न चाहन्छु।"

- प्रशान्त कुमार शाह

माईपे डिजिटल वालेट म विगत १ वर्ष देखि प्रयोग गर्दै आएको छु । माईपेले टपअपमा मा ४.२% क्यासब्याक दिने भएकोले म माईपे वालेटबाटै धेरै भन्दा धेरै आफ्नो मोबाईलमा टपअप गर्ने गर्छु र यसबाहेक बिजुली बिल, हवाईजहाज टिकट पनि काट्ने गर्छु । माईपेले हरेक काराबारमा राम्रो क्यासब्याक प्रदान गर्ने भएकोले म सबैलाई माईपे नै प्रयोग गर्न सल्लाह दिन्छु ।

- Natasha Thaku

"Security is my top priority when it comes to digital wallets, and MyPay delivers. I feel confident making payments knowing my transactions are secure.With MyPay, I never worry about the safety of my payments. It's a reliable and secure way to manage my finances."

- Mahesh Adhikari

" Wow awesome, i got 6% cashback on flight ticket. Best digital wallet in Nepal. I've tried other digital wallets, but MyPay offers the highest cashback rates. It's like getting rewarded every time I use it. MyPay's cashback rates are unbeatable. It's a smart choice for anyone looking to maximize their savings."

- Kabindra Maharjan

"Dealing with government services has never been easier. MyPay lets me pay traffic fines and electricity bills with a few taps. No more long queues."

- Aakash Dahal

"MyPay isn't just a wallet, it's a financial hub. I can pay bills, recharge my phone and other services – all in one place. MyPay's versatility is what sets it apart. From managing my expenses to making quick payments, it's my go-to digital wallet for all financial needs."

- Kushal Tajpuriya

"I love using MyPay for booking my flights, The cashback offers are a fantastic bonus. It's like getting rewarded for traveling. Highly recommended. MyPay's flight cashback feature is a game-changer. It's a win-win – I get to travel, and I get cashback. Can't ask for more."

- Ram Chaulagain